aloT of Poetry

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Waiting for Summer

Waiting for summer is the hardest thing.

Remembering the warmth on your skin

The sun on your face

Happiness …taking you into its embrace.


That vitamin D 

Building up that serotonin to a dangerous high

Looking up to the sky.

Feeling like you know what it's like to have never cried. 

Soak in the blue

Of the you who has never known pain


The longer the wait for summer

the winters seem longer

The cold sets in

The aching lingers and

I start to like the numbness in my fingers.



The cold took my smile and

I fell through the ice. 

My blood ran cold 

Enticing me with memories of old

When I could dance in the rain like a fool

Now I could feel myself spiraling

into an arctic whirlpool.



My mind is wearing thin.

and the frostbite settles in. 

My joie de vivre took a break and

I froze and sank into my bed.

I can dream my dreams and forget reality instead.


But in my dreams I also see me,


Surrounded by family and friends.

I open my eyes once again

A new beginning

A new day

I still get to try and start again

after experiencing an end


So I'm thankful for the winter

Because I can look forward to the spring.

I get to remember the winter doesn't last

And in summer


I'll be me again.