aloT of Poetry

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Words Matter

Words are just words 

"It's not that deep"

But check the dictionary and you'll discover they have meaning.


Words are just words but check your history 

And you'll discover they have weight. 

Words are just words but step into our skin 

And you'll discover they have impact. 


Some words will never just be words

That's not my opinion- that's a fact. 


"Freedom of speech" is a phrase used too often by people who have always had a say 

And its funny to say you have a right to say Nigga


You compare our struggle

to "trailer trash" and "redneck"

and call it the same

Our names were given to us

you gave yours to yourself

so how can you complain?


Everyone is drowning in their own struggles.

but it's the sympathy Olympics.

Why are you trying to win

a sport where we’ve been running from the podium.

Only to be dragged back to perform. Again.



When I'm trying to explain to you why 

I deserve to walk on this earth 

Check your ego the door because it isn't about you. 

And your pride stuffed with guilt


I'm trying to communicate

So let my words drum against your ears 

and reverberate into your mind.

I know you can hear me

And I know you witness my struggle

even when you claim to be colour-blind because you see my blackness can see

right through you.


You say you're against all hate

but when I say

“We are in pain”

I see how you hesitate.


My words are lost.

Instead of understanding what our freedom has cost.

You stand ready with 

Your hammer of racism

Coated in your spray tan justice

waiting to smash the movement to pieces. 

Anything to excuse why you won’t stand with us.


While the police keep the peace by gunning 

Down family members in the streets 

For selling CDs

I'm afraid one day

that's how they'll remember me. 


Another statistic written off 

even as I surrendered on my knees

You took yours, slammed them into my neck

As I gasped for air



So please try tell me it's not that deep.

While you give your kids "the talk"

I'll be giving my 7 year old a 101 on how

to cooperate with police.


But I could tell my children whatever I want

I can tell them to stand strong or I could tell them to be afraid. 

I can them they're not wrong but 

No matter what you do:

 "Keep your head down." 



I could tell them that they are beautiful

But to shine only at home.

I could tell them to stand tall

But only in the shadows

I could warn them that before they are beautiful, they must remember they are Black

I could warn them till their ears bleed

But that’s better than being beneath society’s knee

because it is that deep

so say it

because I guess you're right: words don't matter